Northside Online Services

Online Services

Join us online! Sundays at 10AM you can stream our weekly service live from YouTube or Facebook. If you'd like, you can follow along with the sermon notes, below.


Follow along each day through our daily reading plan and our digital bulletin. You can find additional resources posted to our Facebook and YouTube pages, available at the links below.

Youth Ministry

Middle school students are meeting together during Sunday morning 10AM service time, in the hallway area immediately to the right after the front entrance at Oak Grove Elementary. High School Youth Small Groups meet on Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church office. If you have questions, email

Kids' Ministry

We offer in-service programs for children age 0 through 5th grade! Please register before service at the kiosk just inside the school entrance.

In-Person Church Services


Membership at Northside

If you are interested in becoming a member at Northside Church, you can download the Membership Form and a summary of Northside’s beliefs below.

Important Links

Stay updated by joining our email list, gain access to past sermons, and check back for new developments as decisions are made on the federal and state level that may impact Northside.

Bible Studies

We've formed Men's and Women's. Below are the links for each. For more info, click the link below to email the group leader.

Letter from Jamey


What an interesting season and what a strange time to plant a church.  I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for sticking with us!  Things are still looking very positive for Northside and we couldn’t do it without you!  Northside appears to be growing even in this interesting time.

As of now, we really don’t have any updates in terms of when or how we think things will move toward “normal”, but we will keep you informed here.

We want to invite you to send any prayer requests or questions you might have for us to  We pray for you every week and would be honored to pray over any specific requests you have unless it involves cats.  Okay, we will pray for that too, but with less enthusiasm. Please let us know if there is anything you need or things we can be doing to support you during this time.  We’d also love to know about any needs you are seeing in the community.

Please be sure to stay connected! Northside continues to operate out of the generous donations of those who call it “home”.  You can give online at the link above or mail a check to PO Box 1485 in Albany OR 97321.

Continue to pray for Northside!

We cannot wait to meet with you all again!!

Jamey Mills
Lead Pastor