Our Goal

Equip Parents

Here at Northside we value that God has placed you, the parent, as the primary influence on the faith formation of your child. It’s our desire to equip, support and encourage you as you teach and train up your children in the Lord (Deut 6: 2, 4-9). We are excited to be in this partnership with you!

Help Students Grow

We want to see students take a step toward experiencing the full and free life God has for them. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Our heart is that through relationships, bible teaching, and partnering with parents we can foster growth in students.


Middle School

Grades 6th - 8th
meet together at 10 AM during service in the hallway area immediately to the right after the front entrance.

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It is important to ignite a fire and passion for Christ during the 6th – 8th grade years. Getting that fire lit during this important transition in their lives and preparing them to be a leader as a young adult is a priority for our Middle School Youth Group program.

High School

Grades 9th - 12th
High School Youth Small Groups meet on Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church office. If you have questions, email blake@northside-albany.com

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Growing our young adults into adult leaders based on biblical principles and a passion for Christ is a big focus. God wants us to lead. He wants us to lead for Him - let’s get started!

High School students may volunteer as support staff on Sunday mornings in our Children's Ministry 1-2 weeks a month.

Our Curriculum

The content and examples of what we teach within our youth ministry is very important.  After looking at many different options we decided to use a curriculum called Grow.

There are a number of areas that cause youth ministries to fail, they recognize those areas and focus on Discipleship, Teaching, Weekly Programming, and Events that keep youth interested and enjoying their experience.  Another big benefit with Grow is that it take topics and real-life situations and issues that young adults are experiencing and put biblical principles and teachings to help them grow within themselves and grow with God.

Letter from Jim

Welcome to Northside Youth Ministry,

I told my beautiful wife when we got married that I was never going to grow up! I’ve lived up to my promise.  I am very blessed to be the youth leader of Northside Church, because I get to “hang with my peeps” (that’s young adult lingo for getting to hang-out with my like-minded friends).

I absolutely enjoy working with youth, as a high school coach, as a youth leader at my previous church, and as a dad.  So, I am very excited to be able to work with your kids as they transition into their early teens and into young adults.  God has very specific instructions for us on how we need to teach and raise our children (Proverbs 22:6). I want to be able to work with you, as parents, to equip our children to please Him (3 John 1:4), and live their lives for God.

I believe one of the core values that provide young adults the strength to live their lives for Him in this difficult time is Leadership! If we teach our children to lead and do that in every area of their life, they build strength; mentally, emotionally, and physically.  When they are challenged or a situation arises that does not please Him, they know they don’t have to follow or be lead, but they have the strength and leadership skills, based on biblical principles to do the right thing.

Jim Atkins
Student Ministry Director