Partnering with parents as we seek to see children take a step toward living a full and free life in Jesus
Our Goal
Equip Parents
Here at Northside we value that God has placed you, the parent, as the primary influence on the faith formation of your child. It’s our desire to equip, support and encourage you as you teach and train up your children in the Lord (Deut 6: 2, 4-9). We are excited to be in this partnership with you!
Help Kids Grow
We want to see kids take a step toward experiencing the full and free life God has for them. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Our heart is that through relationships, bible teaching, and partnering with parents we can foster growth in children.
Prioritize Safety
All of our volunteers have cleared a background check and have been trained in our safety policies. Our check-in system provides each child and parent a tag with a matching code to ensure that only the parent or guardian that dropped them off is picking them up. For more information, read our Safety Policies below.
Kid's Ministry
Meet in the cafeteria, located straight down the hallway upon entering the front entrance doors.
Hover or click here for more information
More Details
Kids' Ministry
Hover or click here for more information
Classroom Breakdown
Preschool & Kindergarten - 4 years old - Kindergarten
Elementary- 1st-5th Grade
Our Curriculum
We use a curriculum called The Gospel Project put out by Lifeway. With this amazing resource we will take your kids through every major Bible story over the course of three years, all while pointing every lesson back to the death and resurrection of Jesus!
We are very happy to be partnering with our friends at The Gospel Project to teach your kids! Check out their 3 year scope and sequence below. For more information about The Gospel Project head to their website
If you have any questions please email me at

We rely on volunteers to keep our Kid's Ministry staffed
If you would like to volunteer with our Kid’s Ministry, please follow the links to fill out our application and read over our volunteer handbook.
Letter from hannah
I am so excited to partner with you as you pour into the lives of your sweet children. Like mentioned earlier I am a firm believer that God has placed you as the primary influencer in the faith of your children. God saves his children in all sorts of ways but he designed the family structure to be the primary vehicle to tell the next generation of the wonders he has done (Psalm 78:1-8) so that your children and their children after them may fear the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:1-9). To most of us this charge may be very intimidating, overwhelming or even terrifying as we all at one time or another (or all the time!) feel extremely inadequate. That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in! He is there to help us as we teach and model for our kids and ultimately, He is the one that does the work in the hearts of our children.
Our desire is to come alongside you as parents, to encourage, equip and support you, as well as reinforce biblical truths as we teach and interact with your children.

Children's Ministry Director